We will be attending to the Pseudomonas International Biennal Conference 2019 which is going to be held in Malaysia, from July 22th to July 24th. You can come and see what we are presenting there:


Analysis of the effects of corticosteroids on fitness, virulence and antibiotic resistance-related features of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Gabriel Torrens, Pere Joan Pont-Antona, Amanda Iglesias, Borja G. Cosío, Antonio Oliver and Carlos Juan Nicolau* (Palma, Spain)

Deciphering the signal molecules leading to induction and mutational hyper-production of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa chromosomal AmpC β-lactamase

Gabriel Torrens, Sara Belén Hernández, Juan Alfonso Ayala, Felipe Cava, Carlos Juan Nicolau* (Palma, Spain), and Antonio Oliver

(Tuesday, July 23rd)

Oral Session. Antimicrobial Resistance
Interplay between peptidoglycan biology, antibiotic resistance and virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

C. Juan Nicolau* (Palma, Spain)

* Presenter author



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